Hey there!, I'm

Nikhil Rajesh.

Software Engineer. Developer with a keen interest in learning new technologies.

🚀 Exploring opportunities and side projects. 🎓 Currently a CSE Student at NIT Calicut.

⚡ About Me

Hey! I'm Nikhil Rajesh, I'm a Software Developer who is passionate about learning new technologies.

I'm always on the lookout for various challenging oppurtunities and projects that can constantly improve myself. Currently I'm working as a Systems Administrator at SSL while pursuing my Bachelor's in Computer Science and Engineering from National Institute of Technology Calicut. Also looking forward for opportunities that helps in increasing my knowledge in various fields of Computer Science.

In my free time I learn new stuff, do CTFs, play games, or watch some movies.


⚒️ Skills

C/C++HTML5CSS3JavascriptTypescriptJavaGolangAngularReactNodeJSPostgreSQLMySQLMongoDBGitLinuxAWSGoogle CloudAzureDocker

Get In Touch.

Developed by Nikhil Rajesh

Built with Gatsby.js & Chakra UI

Inspired from abdulrahman.id
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